Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Last Day

Today is my last full day at the South Pole.  It's been like every other day, except that I had to bag drag (turn in my checked bags to be palletized) and I took the time to get a tour of the nearby Keck telescope.   Everything I've talked about so far has revolved around SPT or the infrastructure of the South Pole.  But there are quite a few other scientific experiments currently at pole.  Keck is another millimeter wavelength experiment that is observing the CMB.  They're also looking for the same inflationary polarization pattern that SPT is.   The picture shows the Keck ground shield from the outside (used to prevent the receivers from seeing the buildings and ground). 

In addition to all the work on the receiver and electronics on the inside of the telescope, the outside structure is also being upgraded this year.  Today the first supports for a new shield were put in place.  When complete, the whole thing will look like a big scoop along the boom.

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